Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's Your Battle?

I have PCOS. It means a lot of things but in a nutshell to me it means that I have bad acne, I grow hair in unwanted places, and it took me three years to conceive my son, Kellen. Usually women with PCOS also are overweight and have insulin problems. I have been able to manage THOSE issues with my diet and exercise. I was also told by a doctor that he didn't believe I could get pregnant without the help of medicine. Luckily, God decided to prove that doctor wrong and we conceived Kellen without the assistance of modern medicine. Regardless, I still have this "syndrome" and I am reminded of it daily in my dealings with the mirror and my razor. Lately I've been trying a new and different approach using Krill Oil, probiotic "pearls", and red raspberry tea leaf. I'll keep you updated if I see any changes. It's amazing how many women I've met that have PCOS, and if something has worked for you I'm open to hearing it (providing its not birth control pills because I tried that and found no results). Back workout was yesterday but I was in a different gym so I threw in some different machines and exercises. Always good to shock your muscles for growth. 3 sets pull ups till failure. 12, 10, 8, 8 rep scheme sets for seated hammer strength lat pull down machine. 6 sets 10 reps seated machine row. 3 sets 15 reps rear delt fly machine.

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