Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hate Eggs?

An acquantence I originally met in San Diego at a 24 Hour Fitness gym I ran into here at the gym in Sigonella. Small world. Anyways, we got talking about "perfect proteins". He's trying to eat healthier and cleaner to show his abs that he works so hard for in the gym. Problem is 1) he lives in Italy the land of pasta and 2) he hates eggs. I'm not sure how you can hate eggs, it's impossible. They are delicious, can be made into different forms (best being hard boiled), and they are an amazing protein source. So the last couple days I've been trying to figure out how to get those wonderful orbs of muscle building awesomeness into breakfast dishes without having to taste or feel their texture. There is my go-to protein pancake of course. Then I got an idea from the Italians. They have a dish with egg and if it's done correctly it turns out creamy, not "eggy" at all. Pasta Carbonara! So I tested the method with oatmeal. I made the oatmeal as usual then the last minute I turn the heat all the way down, add the egg whites, and stir like mad so no chunks of egg form. It works! It's so creamy and delicious, takes the oatmeal to another level. Need all those good carbs and protein for hard leg workouts like today. 4 sets lying leg curl Superset with Abductor (15 reps each exercise), 4 sets leg press 10 reps, 3 sets straight leg dead lift 10 reps, lying hip raise with feet on medicine ball (3 sets 20 reps). I tried jogging to the water fountain after the workout and my legs wobbled underneath me. ;)

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