Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chicken legs.

I believe that a figure/bodybuilding winning physique must be not only symmetrical, but will be won from the back. What I mean is a lot of people train what they see in the mirror (chest, biceps, quads, abs). If your turn them around do they also present a beautiful v-taper as well as a tight glute-ham tie in? I've seen gorgeous people come out on stage, then in their quarter turns there back half is a mess! This is why I'm so obsessed with training the two areas most neglected on the human body when training, rear delts and glutes. In most of my routines you'll see that I like to hit these spots more than once a week. I wish some of these guys in the gym would do the same. I'm so tired of seeing these guys with a overdeveloped chest but chicken legs. You can spot them a mile away, they're slumped over because their back isn't strong enough to pull their shoulders back and their chest muscles are too tight. I wonder how much back pain they have? Also, they have these scrawny looking legs, very pitiful looking. Anyway, now that I'm off my soap box, here was my workout for the day. 3 sets Reverse grip incline bench press (15 reps) superset with elevated feet on bech push ups (till failure). 3 sets barbell clean and press. 3 sets cable upright row. Drop set last set. Tabata machine shoulder press. 4 sets 20 seconds steering wheel with 10 lb plate. 3 sets single arm lat raise. 12 reps, slow and controlled, pausing at top of movement for a squeeze. 3 sets lying French press (15 reps) with dumbbell superset with bench dips (till failure). It was a good one, almost couldn't hold baby Kellen after. Also, if you haven't tried tabata, YOU SHOULD! My shoulders were so pumped with blood, it was nuts. Lol!

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