Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Afterglow

Monday was the GH Children's Christmas party at Midtown Theatres. I made a plan to hit the gym immediately after it was finished. It's was easy and made since considering the fact the gym is located in the same building. As I walk up to the front desk I noticed a couple of the other wives from GH were talking. One turned to me and asked, "are you seriously going to work out right now?" I turned to her, perplexed by the question, "yes, why wouldn't I?" I then went to my locker and changed into my gym clothes, put my ear buds in, and turned the exercise tunes up loudly. Never less, that question kept popping up. I couldn't understand why I shouldn't be working out today. I love exercising, it feels so good. I'm addicted to being fit. So what would keep me from wanting that? I did my warm up and then hit shoulders as hard as possible. Why? Because I know what happens when I exercise and most importantly after. So next time you're trying to talk yourself out of working out, try thinking of how your body will look and feel after. Shoulders: standing barbell behind the neck press, 12, 10, 8, 5, 10. Seated hammer strength unilateral shoulder press, 3 sets 10 reps each arm. Standing upright row, 3 sets 10 reps. Bench dips supersetted with front plate raises, 3 sets 12 reps each exercise. Seated lateral shoulder raise, 3 sets 15 reps. One set standing lateral shoulder raise "run the rack".

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