Monday, February 18, 2013


Like the blog entry title? Hahaha, I'll explain. So about 2 days after my previous blog entry it was brought to my attention that I may have a candida infection. I decided to research a little more into the subject and discovered I had many symptoms that were connected to candida. My biggest and most prevalent being recurring infections, headaches, digestive issues (diarrhea), heartburn and... The dreaded white tongue! Candida can become a problem when diet is poor, you're a smoker, antibiotics have been used (antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in your body), stress, and other various lifestyle factors. Considering I've been through 2 rounds of antibiotics in the last 3 months and my stress is through the roof I figure the likelihood of having an infection for me is high.

I will still be performing a cleanse but it will look a little different. The cleanse will be void of any grains, gluten, dairy, sugar (even fruit), legumes, caffeine and alcohol. All these can feed the candida, so by removing them you are "starving off" the yeast. Supplementation with DoTerra Essential Oils to help cleanse the liver and further detoxify will be added to my daily diet. A probiotic is also used daily to help repopulate my digestive system with the "good guys".

On Friday I began the diet and started off my day with an ancient Eastern Medicine colon cleanse. Upon waking I drank 1 quart warm purified water mixed with 2 tsp of Mediterranean Sea salt and consumed within 30 minutes. About an hour later the "cleanse" started. And boy was it a cleanse! This colon cleansing method is compared to the efficiency of a professional colonic, and I believe it. I won't go too much more into detail, because it quite TMI but if you're interested further go ahead and google it. ;)

Both Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today I've had sufficient energy. However, I have been experiencing "Candida Die Off" which has been unpleasant. Headaches are common because as the yeast dies it releases 79 different toxins into the body. Fridays headache was so bad by the evening that I went to bed at 8pm to try to sleep it off. Saturday was a little less severe, Sunday was almost non existent. By today (Monday), no headaches! Also, my tongue is a lot less white. I know I should have taken before and after pictures of my tongue but I didn't think of that until today when I noticed more pink.

I'll continue to keep you posted on my progress through my 10 day candida cleanse. So far so good. But I must admit I miss my sushi and coffee. Boo hoo!

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