Yesterday was the final day of the 10 days Candida Cleanse. To recap, days 1-3 I had horrible headaches in the afternoon/evening. Days 4-5 I felt pretty good, my energy was a tad low but nothing I couldn't handle. Days 6-10 were NOT GOOD. I had horrible diarrhea, a couple headaches, extreme lethargy and mood swings. After doing some research and reading others' experiences my symptoms were not uncommon. But they were still none the less uncomfortable. I stopped taking the GX Assist (DoTerra Essential Oils Blend for liver detox) and began using a Activated Charcoal supplement to help with the diarrhea.
I'm slowly going to start implementing some foods back into my diet but will continue to eat primarily a real foods/processed free lifestyle. My birthday is coming up on Thursday and I want to be able to eat a little something off limits, but not too crazy. Sadly, I will not be eating any birthday cake that day. The one thing I will not be adding anytime soon is sugar. No sugar, no fruit, no honey, no sweeteners. There will be ONE exception to the rule, and that's Stevia. Stevia does not "feed" candida so it's ok to use, however, this will be used very sparingly. I must say, after 10 days of absolutely no sugar or sweeteners everything tastes very yummy. I had a PLAIN sweet potato yesterday and it tasted like heaven. Seriously, like a sweet potato pie! My vegetables are also tasty, I sprinkle just a small amount of salt on them while grilling and that's all they need. Eggs taste awesome, however, I'm still working on making my chicken yummy. I did try cooking a large batch of chicken breast in the crock pot with tomatoes and salt on low for hours, which definitely helped.
As for the workouts, they've been "meh". With all these toxins being dumped into and out of my body I've definitely felt a difference in the gym. I stuck to my workout plan, but everything seemed so much heavier and more exhausting. I had a hard time keeping up with my usual pace. Even friends in the gym who see me on a regular basis mentioned I wasn't acting like my energetic and spunky self. Phew, last week was a doozy.
This week I will continue to stick to my workout plan and begin slowly implementing more starchy carbs (potatoes, beans, quinoa, rice etc) back into my diet. I will still be leaving out dairy and gluten for now and of course no sugar. The one exception will be my birthday lunch at Otto's Italian in the Venetian. Not sure what I want but I will try not to stray too far as I don't think my tummy will permit.
You have Candida? :( I hear that is quite a pain to deal with. I did a 21 day sugar detox, and I had never felt better (no headaches, regulated my gut)problem was my energy levels and it also interfered with my birth control oddly enough. I'm thinking of doing it again in May. I hope you enjoyed your bday!! (I know this was from Feb, but still :) )