Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Maybe TMI?

Just a forewarning on the following post. It maybe too much information for some of you out there. Some of you already know me well when it comes to my training and lifestyle as well as my approach to nutrition. Some of my first time clients were taken back when I'd question there poop. Yep, that's right, I asked about their bowel movements. Paying attention to your digestive health is very important. Your urine and bowels tell whether or not you're getting optimal nutrition and supplementation. Checking the color, consistency, and how often you hit the John can give an clue into your overall health. If you haven't already seen the poop episode of Dr. Oz you should google it and watch. Basically you want to be pooping at least once a day, it needs to be a brown color, and it should form a "s" or "c" shape in the toilet. Some things that aren't normal and should get checked out: blood in the stool, days of diarrhea, going a week or longer without having a bowel movement.

The reason I'm going over all this is because I really believe in practicing what I preach. For the past 6 weeks I've been absolutely exhausted, have had heartburn and nausea, not to mention diarrhea a couple times a week. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. I couldn't understand why a healthy person like me was having these digestive issues. After visiting with my doctor she stated she believes I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She suggested I try taking a probiotic for 6 weeks to see if it clears up and if it didn't she was going to refer me to a Gastroentologist.

So I'll keep you all informed as to if these probiotics do the trick. I'll also be following a IBS friendly diet and increase my "bulking" foods. I already eat tons of fiber and stay away from dairy so the IBS diets aren't too different than what I normally eat. I've also been doing some reading and IBS can flare up because of stress which is my only guess as to why I'm having digestive issues. Confusing for me because I've never really had too many issues in the past. Hopefully I just need some of the healthy gut flora provided by these probiotics to clear up the issue.

So like I said, this might have been TMI for some of you but this is none the less important information for your health. Start looking in your toilets people and ask your doc if anything is bothersome.

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