Thursday, May 2, 2013

Home Grown

If I forgot to mention than I'm sorry. The reason I've been MIA lately is because we finally got into our new home. As I stated in previous blog entries we were in the process of buying a short sale. I'm not sure why they call it a short sale because it was anything but short. It took 7 months from the time we submitted our offer to the time we moved in. It was all worth it though because I absolutely adore our home. Today I spent some time outside in our beautiful yard. The weather in Las Vegas right now is gorgeous and all of us want to be outside in the sun. After we moved in I realized what exactly the property has in terms of landscape and vegetation. I was surprised and o so very pleased to see we have a peach tree, pear tree, fig tree, lemon tree, lavender bush, mint and rosemary all growing! The peach tree and fig tree have fruit growing but not ripe yet. The lavender, mint and rosemary all smell divine. Kellen loves to pick the lavender and walk around sniffing it. Then like most little boys do, he drops it to the ground and begins stomping on it with his shoes. Hahahaha. I can't help but laugh, he is such a funny kid.

The figs look the closest to being ripe. I'm so excited to eat them fresh AND to use them dried and chopped in my different recipes.

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